College Prep

Hit the ground running when you arrive on campus! Don’t let the summer get away from you, use it to prepare for the next phase of your career! We can help you with velocity, improving a current pitch or creating a new one, assessing your mechanics and a whole lot more!

  • We use Driveline’s TRAQ platform to create all your workouts, along with Weighted, Command and Plyo balls. And we’ll keep track of all your throws so you can easily see your improvement.

  • We use Rapsodo Pitching in combination with Insight High Speed camera so you know exactly how your delivery is affecting your pitches. In addition Driveline Edge gives us





  • Pitchai Biometrics allows us to record a user's throwing motion to provide feedback on their pelvis rotation, elbow extension, internal shoulder rotation and more. We then use that to help develop your throwing program

This summer could be different…

So next fall could be awesome!!